1. 首页 > 基本常识 >       What is the meaning of the idiom "画蛇添足" (draw a snake and add feet)? [^3^]

What is the meaning of the idiom "画蛇添足" (draw a snake and add feet)? [^3^]

What is the meaning of the idiom "画蛇添足" (draw a snake and add feet)? [^3^]内容如下:

The idiom "画蛇添足" (draw a snake and add feet) means to ruin the effect by adding something superfluous or to overdo it. It comes from a story in the Annals of the Warring States, where a group of servants competed to draw a snake on the ground, with the winner getting a jug of wine. One of them finished first, but instead of drinking the wine, he decided to add feet to his snake. Another servant finished his snake, snatched the wine and said: "A snake has no feet, how can you add feet to a snake?" The one who added feet to the snake lost the wine in the end. You can read more about the origin and usage of this idiom on [Wiktionary](^1^) or [Talking Chinese English Dictionary](^2^).
