1. 首页 > 基本常识 >       以下哪个词语是正确的写法?[A. 立功] [B. 立过] [C. 立法] [D. 立伏]

以下哪个词语是正确的写法?[A. 立功] [B. 立过] [C. 立法] [D. 立伏]

以下哪个词语是正确的写法?[A. 立功] [B. 立过] [C. 立法] [D. 立伏]内容如下:

The correct answer is [A. 立功]. This word means to perform a meritorious deed or service, especially in the context of criminal law. It is often used to describe the act of exposing or providing clues to other crimes, which can lead to a lighter or reduced punishment. For example, `犯罪分子有立功表现的,可以从轻或者减轻处罚`[^1^] means "Criminals who have performed meritorious deeds can be punished lightly or leniently".

以下哪个词语是正确的写法?[A. 立功] [B. 立过] [C. 立法] [D. 立伏]

[B. 立过] is not a valid word in Chinese. It seems to be a combination of two words: `立` (to stand or erect) and `过` (to pass or cross). However, these two words do not form a meaningful compound word.

[C. 立法] means to legislate or make laws. It is a common word in the field of politics and law. For example, `立法机关是国家的法律制定机构`[^2^] means "The legislative body is the state's law-making institution".

[D. 立伏] means to lie in ambush or wait for an opportunity. It is often used in the context of military or hunting. For example, `敌人在山谷里立伏,准备伏击我军`[^3^] means "The enemy lay in ambush in the valley, ready to attack our army".
